Form 15G In Word Format
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Hi, I left my job 3 months back and not working now I have applied for PF with drawl, submitted form 19 10C to my employer He sent back stating missing form 15G. Please find attached Forms 1. D and 2. 0 with another file of Form 2. Employees Provident Fund Scheme. Form 2. 0Employees Provident Funds Scheme, 1. Form to be used 1 by guardian of minorlunatic member. By a nominee or legal heir of the deceased member. Or,3 By the guardian of the minorlunatic nominee or heir. For claiming the Provident Fund accumulation of minordeceased member. Particulars of Membera Name of the member in Block Lettersb Fathers Husbands Namec Name address of the FactoryEstablishmentin which the member was last employedd Account No. Date of leaving servicef Reason for leaving service in case of deceased memberg Date of death of the memberh Marital status of the member on the day of death. Particulars of the claimant. MajorNomineeLegal HeirMember of the family of the Deceased Membera Name of the claimant in Block Lettersb FathersHusbands Namec Sexd Age as on the date of death of the membere Marital status as on the date of death of the memberWhether unmarried, married, widow, widowerf Relationship with the deceased member. To be filled by the GuardianManager of MinorLunatic Member or Lunatic MinorNomineesLegal HeirsFamily members of the deceased membera Name of the claimant i. Guardianb Fathers Husbands Namec Relationship with the memberdeceased member Particulars of the minorLunatic Nominees Legal Heirs Family Members on whose behalf the Provident Fund Amount claimed. Sl. No. Name. Sex. Age. Religion. Relationship. With the member. With the guardian. Delete, if not applicable. Claimants Full Postal Address in Block LettersShriSmt. So Wo Ho Do. PIN. MODE OF REMITTANCEa by postal money order at my cost, orb by account payee cheque sent direct for credit to my S. B. Ac Sch. BankPost Office under intimation to me Advance Stamped Receipt furnished below Put a tick in the box against the one opted 3to the address given in Item No. S. B. Account No. Bank. Branch. Full address of BankCertificateo the best of my knowledge no posthumous child will be born to the deceased member. I certify that the minors lunatic ShriSmt. Provident fund money claimed on behalf of minorlunatic will be spent in hisher best interests and benefit. I certify that the minor member has not been employed in any FactoryEstablishment to which the Act applies for a continuous period of not less than 6 months immediately preceding the date of the application. Enclosure. Signature of leftright hand thumb impression of the claimant. Date. Delete if not applicable. Advance Stamped ReceiptTo be furnished only in case of 5b aboveReceived a sum of Rs. Adobe Photoshop Cc Full Version With Keygen on this page. Rupees. from Regional Provident fund CommissionerOfficer in Charge of Sub Regional Office. By deposit in my Saving Bank Account towards the settlement of Provident fund Account of ShriSmtThe space should be left blank which Affixshall be filled in by RPFCOffice in Charge 1 Rypeeof S. R. O. Revenue. Stamp. Signature of leftright hand thumb impression of the claimant. Certificate of the attesting authrority. Contribution for the Current period. Month. Contribution. Period of break if any. Month. Contribution. Period of break if any. Employee. Employer. Total. EPF FPEPF FPEPF FPEPF FPEPF FPEPF FPCertified that the above contributions have been included in the regular monthly remittances. Certified that the facts stated above are correct. Certified that the claimant ShriSmt. Kumari. Signature of the employer or authorised officer Designation Office Seal. For the use of Commissioners Office. Account settled entered in Form 2. A2. 429 Revised Withdrawal Register. Clerk Head Clerk. Download Form 15g In Word FormatIn order to withdrawal the P. F accumulations one need to submit duly signed employee and employer Form 19 10 C to respective P. F department, attached the same for. Download Form 3CA 3CB 3CD In Word, Excel, Java Format for AY 201718 applicable from 1st April 2017. Revised Form No. 3CD Tax Audit Report as applicable. On the request of my viewers I have uploaded some of the Income Tax forms in Excel, Word and PDF Format. Although, I havent uploaded all the forms but I uplo. Pdf Joyo Kanji List. Everyone is aware that Form 15G and form 15H are used for avoiding the TDS deduction while computing the interest earned during the financial year. In this arti. P. I. No. M. O. Cheque Account No. Section. Passed for Payment Rs. In words. M. O. Commission if any Accounts Officer. Net amount to be paid by M. O. Date. Under Rupees. For use in Cash Section. Paid by inclusion in Cheque No. Vide Cash Book Bank Account No. Debit Item No. Head Clerk Assistant CommissionerRegional Commissioner. Remarks. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARDAccount No. Form-15G-600x471.png' alt='New Form 15g In Word Format' title='New Form 15g In Word Format' />Office of the RPFCOfficer in. EPFO Charge of Sub Regional Office. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CARDReceived the following claims. Registration NoDate Office Seal POST CARD Postage. Prepaid. In case, no intimation is received within a month, you may write to the Compliants Officer, Employees Provident Fund duly quoting the Registration Number and your Provident Fund Account Number. PIN. EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND ORGANISATIONOffice of the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner S. R. OFull AddressInstructionFor the guidance of applicant only, not to be sent along with the claimThe following instruction should be carefully read before completing the form. Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1. Form 2. 0 Claim for the withdrawal of Provident Fund Accumulation of minordeceased member. By whom the claim application should be preferredIf the member is a minor by the guardian. Or. On death of the member a If nomination subsists by the nominees if the nomineesare minor by the guardian of minors. If no nomination subsists by the family members family includes posthumous child if any, except major sons, and married daughters whose husbands are alive, of the deceased member duly supported by list of surviving family members as on the date of the death of the member furnished by the last employer or mamlatdarTehsildar or Executive Magistrate indicating complete particulars such as name, relationship with deceased member in the case of parents whether dependant or not age, marital status. If any family member is a minor by the guardian of minor. If both a b above are not applicable by legal heirs duly supported by a legal heirship certificate from the appropriate State Normally Revenue authorities.